The science of movement
Aquest’s designers have been trained by Dr. Deiter Breithecker, a German Health and Kinetics Scientist. Dr. Breithecker has established that office and school spaces need to be designed to encourage the natural movement of the body and frequent changes of position.
The standard day at work or school is spent sitting and the amount of time we spend sitting has increased enormously over the last 35 years compared to what is healthy for the human body.
“Office and school spaces need to be designed to encourage the natural movement of the body and frequent changes of position.”
One obvious result of this lack of activity is that the muscles throughout our body do not get enough use. Spontaneous and regular muscle contractions throughout the whole body are an important part of the circulation system and furnish the brain with the oxygen, proteins and hormones it requires for concentration.
To meet these supply requirements, the brain subconsciously sends signals to the muscles to move. The rigid furniture and environments that we find in office environments and schools today hinder this self-organized movement.