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Why should I have plants in my Office?

It has been scientifically proven that humans need nature. Many people spend a lot of their time in office spaces, which are sometimes the exact opposite of a natural space. Not only do plants support this biological need but they provide many more benefits for our everyday lives.

Boosts Staff Moral

By simply touching and looking at indoor plants, studies have shown that humans experience a calming effect. Because employees can become stressed very quickly, why not boost their morale with a few plants? The welcoming atmosphere will certainly pay off.

Increase Productivity

Productivity is a goal shared by companies and individuals worldwide. A study completed by the University of Exeter stated that simply enriching spaces with plants caused an increase in productivity by 15%. Dr. Chris Knight believes that every employee should be able to see a plant from their desk. Productivity is never an accident so why not simply bring it on?

Increase Creativity

“The Green Effect” refers to the creative stimulation received from looking at the color green before doing a creative task. This is, in fact, another benefit of plants in the office.

Clean and freshen the Air

Plants take in carbon dioxide and provide us with oxygen, a key ingredient for life. Dr. Fraser Torphy found in his research that incorporating plants in an air-conditioned office can help reduce carbon-dioxide levels by around 10%!


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